Here at Little Acorns Brighton, we offer a blended approach to learning. For all of these, the child is at the heart of guiding their own development and our well-planned opportunities and rich learning environment underpin this.
Using our vast experiences and professional judgements, we have created a learning environment which provides opportunities to nurture curiosity, encourage independence and build positive relationships.
The child is at the heart of learning at Little Acorns Brighton and we provide stimulating activities for hands-on discovery and self-motivated growth. As well as providing opportunities for curiosity, our child-centered curriculum moves flexibly according to the needs and interests of children in our care. To enable you to share in this, a weekly timetable is printed in our main reception area each week.

All children have a natural desire to learn and understand the world around them. Our expert practitioners are experienced in creating an environment which fosters curiosity, enables development and makes the very best of this.
As qualified teachers, the staff team are also passionate about making sure children are school-ready by the time they leave us - ensuring the smoothest start to their primary education.

Outdoor environment
At Little Acorns Brighton, we are able to offer children an excellent outdoor environment due to our woodland setting. Children have free-flow access between the indoor and outdoor environment, enabling them to access our many outdoor opportunities.
We have a nature garden, mud-kitchen, play cabins and lots of outdoor play equipment.

The whole-child
At Little Acorns Brighton we understand the importance of developing the whole child. By fostering positive relationships with both families and children, we are able to work in partnership with you to nurture all areas of your child's development and learning – from social-emotional and cognitive skills to literacy, math, and science understanding.